Use Cases by Industry

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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AI/ML & Gen AI Solutions

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Application Integration and Middleware Solutions

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Datacenter Solutions

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Networking and Security Solutions

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Data Availability Solutions

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Cloud transformation Solutions

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Customer Engagement Solutions

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Data Privacy and Digital Trust Solutions

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Salesforce Consulting and Development

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Data Science Acceleration & Augmentation

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Infrastructure Services

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Database Management and Development Services

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WiFi Assessment and Enhancement Services

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Security Services

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Remote Network Management Services

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Addressing Datacenter needs for all types of organizations – big or small

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Robust, reliable and secure network infrastructure to maximise operational efficacy

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Bringing your Business to the cloud seamlessly

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Quick, secure data access without compromising operational efficiency

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Maximize Salesforce utilization and audience engagement for robust sales pipelines

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Complex variables such as machine efficiency, material waste, quality rejects and fluctuating demand make it very difficult to optimize production. Traditional methods of managing these processes result in inefficiencies, underutilized resources, and higher operational costs.


Our Unify AI platform allows to ingest vast amounts of data from the production floor. The inbuilt EDA function helps in analyzing the data and identifying patterns and inefficiencies. AI can suggest real-time adjustments to machine settings, workflows, and resource allocation. This ensures that the production process is continuously optimized for maximum efficiency and minimal waste.


Technical benefit - Our Unify AI platform has all the required components such as data ingestion tool kit, EDA automation tool, Feature engineering process, the automated AI studio for model building, the deployment workflows, etc all integrated in a single framework. Further you also have the Gen AI studio which can help the relevant personnel with corrective recommendations. This reduces the technical learning curves and support functions and helps to go from concept to production rapidly.   

Business benefit - AI-driven process optimization leads to reduced production costs, higher output, and improved product quality. Manufacturers can also achieve better resource utilization, lowering energy consumption and material waste. Overall, AI enables smarter, data-driven decisions that result in a more streamlined and cost-effective production process.


Unexpected equipment breakdowns in manufacturing can lead to costly downtime, delayed production, and expensive repairs. Traditional maintenance schedules, often based on fixed intervals, may either be too frequent, wasting resources, or too late, resulting in unplanned failures.


Unify Ai platform can integrate with your IOT systems and help in predictive maintenance by monitoring machine performance in real time. By analyzing data from the sensors most relevant to your machinery, the ML models can predict when a machine is likely to fail, raise a ticket and alert the relevant users. This allows manufacturers to schedule maintenance only when necessary, reducing unnecessary downtime and preventing critical failures.


Technical benefit - Our Unify AI platform can integrate with your production monitoring systems and IOT devices through APIs. The data from these systems can be ingested in real time, a ML model can quickly classify data and raise a flag. The Gen AI agent built using our Gen AI studio can send the flagged data as an alert in simple language to the designated recipient automatically.

Business benefit - Reduction in repair costs, equipment life extension, and mitigation of unexpected breakdowns are the key outcomes. Unify AI helps improve operational efficiency by ensuring machinery runs smoothly with minimal proactive interruptions. 


Accurately predicting demand is a challenge to all manufacturers. This can lead to either stockouts or excess inventory which further led to missed sales opportunities or excessive discounts. Traditional rule based static forecasting methods often fail to account for complex variables such as seasonality, market trends, or sudden disruptions.


Unify AI helps to create machine learning models that can leverage advanced algorithms to analyze vast datasets, including sales history, market trends, and even external factors like weather or geopolitical events to make more accurate demand forecasts. Moreover, these ML models continuously learn from data and keep improving in their predictions. Unify AI can integrate with other business systems to access and process real-time information, allowing the ML models to adjust forecasts as new data comes in.


Technical benefit - The AI Studio component of our Unify AI platform rapidly builds and deploys models to forecast demand by analyzing customer behavior, product features, past data and any other variables relevant to the business. It integrates seamlessly with your business systems for real-time feedback and continuous improvement.

Business benefit - Implementing AI for demand forecasting leads to optimized inventory management, reduced waste, and improved production planning. Manufacturers can now reduce the risk of overproduction or shortages thereby lowering operational costs and enhancing customer delight and loyalty.


Constantly fluctuating demand, varying raw material costs, intense competition and changing regulations are major hurdles in getting the product pricing right. Traditional pricing methods often rely on fixed rule based models that cannot adapt to market changes in real time. This may result in either missed earning opportunities or loss of market share.


Machine learning models powered by Unify AI leverage multiple machine learning algorithms to analyze multiple data points, such as historical sales, market trends, customer behavior, supply chain conditions, competitor pricing and macro economic indicators. It also helps to choose between various statistical methods for achieving the most desirable results. While business systems continuously update market feedback, our data ingestion tool kit allows for ingesting the data in real time allowing manufacturers to adjust prices quickly.


Technical benefits : Since our data ingestion tool kit, AI studio for ML modeling, feature store etc are all integrated in a single framework, data scientists are able to quickly address data and model drifts in the wake of changing market conditions.

Manufacturers can now maximize revenue by responding swiftly to market fluctuations, ensure competitive pricing, reduce the risk of overpricing or underpricing, and improve profitability.


Difficulties in aggregating and consolidating data from disparate sources, which hindered effective monitoring and management of non-performing assets (NPAs) delaying in data driven decisions.


Deployed real-time models on UnifyAI's AI Studio providing business users with instant insights for real-time inferences, monitoring of NPA and loan defaults.


Early NPA Prediction & Risk Monitoring: UnifyAI's ML models forecast potential NPAs by analyzing transaction patterns and external data, while real-time data integration continuously tracks loan performance, offering predictive insights on customer risk profiles and automating key decisions.

Seamless Integration & Efficiency: UnifyAI's AI Studio integrates with core banking systems to streamline NPA detection and escalation, reducing financial losses, enhancing risk control, and improving operational efficiency through automated workflows and early customer intervention.


Detect anomalies in real-time transactions by analyzing historical data, identifying outliers, and learning from past fraud cases to predict and prevent future incidents.


AI Studio from UnifyAI boosted efficiency with centralized models, streamlined workflows, provided real-time insights to enhance collaboration, scalability, reproducibility - simplifying model management and inferencing.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI delivers high accuracy in detecting anomalies with advanced models, minimizing false alarms. It provides instant identification of irregular activities, enabling immediate responses, while continuously learning from new data to adapt to evolving fraud tactics.

Business Benefits: UnifyAI's AI Studio proactively reduces fraud losses by identifying suspicious activities, automating monitoring processes, and allowing banks to focus on strategic tasks. It also ensures compliance with regulatory standards through reliable reporting.


Multiple sources for data for credit assessment. Bias in manual risk evaluations. Slow, resource-heavy credit scoring processes. Adapting to changes in borrower behavior and real-time data was challenging.


Automated model orchestration for risk assessment models, streamlining workflows, improving accuracy, and integrating seamlessly with end-system APIs for custom, efficient decision-making.


Technical Benefits - UnifyAI automates credit evaluations, reducing manual intervention while processing large volumes of financial data. It ensures unbiased assessments, provides instant credit risk evaluation, and allows for tailored risk models that reflect specific business needs.

Business Benefits - AI Studio enhances trust through transparent credit scoring, reduces approval times, and lowers costs by optimizing the process. It minimizes loan defaults by accurately identifying high-risk borrowers, improves profitability, and ensures regulatory compliance.


Challenges with AML arising from fragmented data sources, making it difficult to detect suspicious activities. Existing detection methods being inefficient, causing compliance with reporting and documentation requirements to be cumbersome.


UnifyAI platform enables integration and unification of customer data from various sources to create a single, comprehensive view of data and models. Predicting and assigning risk scores to transactions and customers, while prioritizing investigations - thus improving overall AML efforts.


Technical Benefits : UnifyAI AIStudio's machine learning models enhance detection precision, minimizing false positives and negatives. Its real-time analysis and advanced data integration swiftly identify suspicious activities, while effortlessly scaling to handle large transactional volumes for growing institutions.

Business Benefits : Automating AML processes reduces operational costs, streamlines compliance, and ensures adherence to regulations, lowering penalties. AI Studio proactively identifies risks, improving security and fostering customer trust through reliable and compliant operations.


Predicting employee churn based on performance and behaviour to enhance customer relations, refine marketing plans and sales goals.


Deployed real-time models quickly with UnifyAI's AI Studio to provide business users with instant insights for real-time inferences, and monitoring of sales agent attrition.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI accelerates ML model development to predict attrition risks, seamlessly integrates with CRM and HR systems for real-time performance insights, and supports rapid building of diverse AI/ML models to analyze attrition factors.

Business Benefits: Identifies at-risk sales team members early, enabling targeted retention efforts and reducing recruitment costs. Enhances team cohesion and satisfaction, focuses on retaining top performers, and boosts overall sales productivity.


Scattered persistency models across data scientists' local systems caused offline inferences, time-consuming manual scripts and manual sharing, resulting in delays and inefficiencies.


Achieved higher efficiency with AI Studio to centralize various persistency models, streamlining workflows, getting real-time insights, scalability, and reproducibility - thus, simplifying model management.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI offers high-accuracy models for predicting policy persistency and integrates with policy management systems to analyze customer behavior. The platform supports large datasets, providing scalable analysis across insurance products and customer segments.

Business Benefits: Identifies at-risk policyholders for targeted interventions, enhances retention strategies, and strengthens customer relationships. Improves revenue stability by increasing persistency rates and reducing policy lapses.


Multiple early claim prediction models across systems caused fragmented management, offline inference delays, manual scripting inefficiencies, making data sharing difficult amongst teams.


UnifyAI's automated model orchestration for early claim prediction, streamlines workflows, improves accuracy, and delivers seamless integration with end-system APIs for efficient decision-making.


Technical Benefits: AI Studio from UnifyAI accelerates advanced claim prediction models and processes policyholder data in real-time with APIs. It offers customizable models that improve prediction accuracy by adjusting to new data.

Business Benefits: Minimizes financial losses by swiftly identifying and addressing fraudulent transactions, enhances customer trust and loyalty, and provides actionable insights for continuous improvement in fraud prevention strategies.


Coordinating data from multiple sources to create comprehensive customer profiles while ensuring data accuracy and privacy compliance.


UnifyAI's AI Studio integrates and unifies customer data from all sources to create a single, comprehensive view of each customer, enables personalized interactions, prevents fraudulent claims, and aids in targeted marketing efforts.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI uses data-driven techniques to evaluate and identify unique customers across multiple products, integrates seamlessly with existing systems for quick decision-making, and supports tailored model development. It processes and analyzes large volumes of records efficiently.

Business Benefits: AI Studio provides a unified view of customers, enabling personalized interactions and targeted marketing. Offers actionable insights for strategic decisions, fostering better outcomes and enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

Use Cases


Predicting employee churn based on performance and behaviour to enhance customer relations, refine marketing plans and sales goals.


Deployed real-time models quickly with UnifyAI's AI Studio to provide business users with instant insights for real-time inferences, and monitoring of sales agent attrition.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI accelerates ML model development to predict attrition risks, seamlessly integrates with CRM and HR systems for real-time performance insights, and supports rapid building of diverse AI/ML models to analyze attrition factors.

Business Benefits: Identifies at-risk sales team members early, enabling targeted retention efforts and reducing recruitment costs. Enhances team cohesion and satisfaction, focuses on retaining top performers, and boosts overall sales productivity.

Sales Attrition


Scattered persistency models across data scientists' local systems caused offline inferences, time-consuming manual scripts and manual sharing, resulting in delays and inefficiencies.


Achieved higher efficiency with AI Studio to centralize various persistency models, streamlining workflows, getting real-time insights, scalability,and reproducibility - thus, simplifying model management.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI offers high-accuracy models for predicting policy persistency and integrates with policy management systems to analyze customer behavior. The platform supports large datasets, providing scalable analysis across insurance products and customer segments.

Business Benefits: Identifies at-risk policyholders for targeted interventions, enhances retention strategies, and strengthens customer relationships. Improves revenue stability by increasing persistency rates and reducing policy lapses.



Multiple early claim prediction models across systems caused fragmented management, offline inference delays, manual scripting inefficiencies, making data sharing difficult amongst teams.


UnifyAI's automated model orchestration for early claim prediction, streamlines workflows, improves accuracy, and delivers seamless integration with end-system APIs for efficient decision-making.


Technical Benefits: AI Studio from UnifyAI accelerates advanced claim prediction models and processes policyholder data in real-time with APIs. It offers customizable models that improve prediction accuracy by adjusting to new data.‍

Business Benefits: Minimizes financial losses by swiftly identifying and addressing fraudulent transactions, enhances customer trust and loyalty, and provides actionable insights for continuous improvement in fraud prevention strategies.

Early Claim Prediction



Coordinating data from multiple sources to create comprehensive customer profiles while ensuring data accuracy and privacy compliance.


UnifyAI's AI Studio integrates and unifies customer data from all sources to create a single, comprehensive view of each customer, enables personalized interactions, prevents fraudulent claims, and aids in targeted marketing efforts.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI uses data-driven techniques to evaluate and identify unique customers across multiple products, integrates seamlessly with existing systems for quick decision-making, and supports tailored model development. It processes and analyzes large volumes of records efficiently.

Business Benefits: AI Studio provides a unified view of customers, enabling personalized interactions and targeted marketing. Offers actionable insights for strategic decisions, fostering better outcomes and enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

Customer Unification

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