A real estate company reduced time to execute contracts with vendors from an average of 14 days to a few hours

As per compliance, the procurement contracts of a real estate company required signatures on close to 50 pages to be considered executed. The printed copies of the document were sent to respective signatories across the country for completing this process.

The experts at SK suggested and implemented a digital signature solution to have the procurement team use PDF documents instead of paper-based copies. The signatories now sign the contracts using either Aadhar-based signature or DSC token or via electronic signature.

Benefits achieved -

  • Carbon footprint drastically reduced
  • Time to execute contract reduced to mere hours compared to the previous average of over two weeks
  • Productivity boost for every involved stakeholder
  • Logistics cost completely eliminated

A real estate company reduced time to execute contracts with vendors from an average of 14 days to a few hours

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