Use Cases by Industry

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Demand Forecasting


Accurately predicting demand is a challenge to all manufacturers. This can lead to either stockouts or excess inventory which further led to missed sales opportunities or excessive discounts. Traditional rule based static forecasting methods often fail to account for complex variables such as seasonality, market trends, or sudden disruptions.


Unify AI helps to create machine learning models that can leverage advanced algorithms to analyze vast datasets, including sales history, market trends, and even external factors like weather or geopolitical events to make more accurate demand forecasts. Moreover, these ML models continuously learn from data and keep improving in their predictions. Unify AI can integrate with other business systems to access and process real-time information, allowing the ML models to adjust forecasts as new data comes in.


Technical benefit - The AI Studio component of our Unify AI platform rapidly builds and deploys models to forecast demand by analyzing customer behavior, product features, past data and any other variables relevant to the business. It integrates seamlessly with your business systems for real-time feedback and continuous improvement.

Business benefit - Implementing AI for demand forecasting leads to optimized inventory management, reduced waste, and improved production planning. Manufacturers can now reduce the risk of overproduction or shortages thereby lowering operational costs and enhancing customer delight and loyalty.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML)


Challenges with AML arising from fragmented data sources, making it difficult to detect suspicious activities. Existing detection methods being inefficient, causing compliance with reporting and documentation requirements to be cumbersome.


UnifyAI platform enables integration and unification of customer data from various sources to create a single, comprehensive view of data and models. Predicting and assigning risk scores to transactions and customers, while prioritizing investigations - thus improving overall AML efforts.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI AIStudio's machine learning models enhance detection precision, minimizing false positives and negatives. Its real-time analysis and advanced data integration swiftly identify suspicious activities, while effortlessly scaling to handle large transactional volumes for growing institutions.

Business Benefits: Automating AML processes reduces operational costs, streamlines compliance, and ensures adherence to regulations, lowering penalties. AI Studio proactively identifies risks, improving security and fostering customer trust through reliable and compliant operations.

Customer Unification


Coordinating data from multiple sources to create comprehensive customer profiles while ensuring data accuracy and privacy compliance.


UnifyAI's AI Studio integrates and unifies customer data from all sources to create a single, comprehensive view of each customer, enables personalized interactions, prevents fraudulent claims, and aids in targeted marketing efforts.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI uses data-driven techniques to evaluate and identify unique customers across multiple products, integrates seamlessly with existing systems for quick decision-making, and supports tailored model development. It processes and analyzes large volumes of records efficiently.

Business Benefits: AI Studio provides a unified view of customers, enabling personalized interactions and targeted marketing. Offers actionable insights for strategic decisions, fostering better outcomes and enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

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