Use Cases by Industry

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Dynamic Pricing Models


Constantly fluctuating demand, varying raw material costs, intense competition and changing regulations are major hurdles in getting the product pricing right. Traditional pricing methods often rely on fixed rule based models that cannot adapt to market changes in real time. This may result in either missed earning opportunities or loss of market share.


Machine learning models powered by Unify AI leverage multiple machine learning algorithms to analyze multiple data points, such as historical sales, market trends, customer behavior, supply chain conditions, competitor pricing and macro economic indicators. It also helps to choose between various statistical methods for achieving the most desirable results. While business systems continuously update market feedback, our data ingestion tool kit allows for ingesting the data in real time allowing manufacturers to adjust prices quickly. 


Technical benefits : Since our data ingestion tool kit, AI studio for ML modeling, feature store etc are all integrated in a single framework, data scientists are able to quickly address data and model drifts in the wake of changing market conditions.

Manufacturers can now maximize revenue by responding swiftly to market fluctuations, ensure competitive pricing, reduce the risk of overpricing or underpricing, and improve profitability.

Anomaly Detection


Detect anomalies in real-time transactions by analyzing historical data, identifying outliers, and learning from past fraud cases to predict and prevent future incidents.


AI Studio from UnifyAI boosted efficiency with centralized models, streamlined workflows, provided real-time insights to enhance collaboration, scalability, reproducibility - simplifying model management and inferencing.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI delivers high accuracy in detecting anomalies with advanced models, minimizing false alarms. It provides instant identification of irregular activities, enabling immediate responses, while continuously learning from new data to adapt to evolving fraud tactics.

Business Benefits: UnifyAI's AI Studio proactively reduces fraud losses by identifying suspicious activities, automating monitoring processes, and allowing banks to focus on strategic tasks. It also ensures compliance with regulatory standards through reliable reporting.

Customer Unification


Coordinating data from multiple sources to create comprehensive customer profiles while ensuring data accuracy and privacy compliance.


UnifyAI's AI Studio integrates and unifies customer data from all sources to create a single, comprehensive view of each customer, enables personalized interactions, prevents fraudulent claims, and aids in targeted marketing efforts.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI uses data-driven techniques to evaluate and identify unique customers across multiple products, integrates seamlessly with existing systems for quick decision-making, and supports tailored model development. It processes and analyzes large volumes of records efficiently.

Business Benefits: AI Studio provides a unified view of customers, enabling personalized interactions and targeted marketing. Offers actionable insights for strategic decisions, fostering better outcomes and enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

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