Use Cases by Industry

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Comprehensive, safe and seamless operations designed for efficient operations that cover all three dimensions: storage, network infrastructure & information security

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Production Process Optimization


Complex variables such as machine efficiency, material waste, quality rejects and fluctuating demand make it very difficult to optimize production. Traditional methods of managing these processes result in inefficiencies, underutilized resources, and higher operational costs.


Our Unify AI platform allows to ingest vast amounts of data from the production floor. The inbuilt EDA function helps in analyzing the data and identifying patterns and inefficiencies. AI can suggest real-time adjustments to machine settings, workflows, and resource allocation. This ensures that the production process is continuously optimized for maximum efficiency and minimal waste.


Technical benefit - Our Unify AI platform has all the required components such as data ingestion tool kit, EDA automation tool, Feature engineering process, the automated AI studio for model building, the deployment workflows, etc all integrated in a single framework. Further you also have the Gen AI studio which can help the relevant personnel with corrective recommendations. This reduces the technical learning curves and support functions and helps to go from concept to production rapidly.

Business benefit - AI-driven process optimization leads to reduced production costs, higher output, and improved product quality. Manufacturers can also achieve better resource utilization, lowering energy consumption and material waste. Overall, AI enables smarter, data-driven decisions that result in a more streamlined and cost-effective production process.

Anomaly Detection


Detect anomalies in real-time transactions by analyzing historical data, identifying outliers, and learning from past fraud cases to predict and prevent future incidents.


AI Studio from UnifyAI boosted efficiency with centralized models, streamlined workflows, provided real-time insights to enhance collaboration, scalability, reproducibility - simplifying model management and inferencing.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI delivers high accuracy in detecting anomalies with advanced models, minimizing false alarms. It provides instant identification of irregular activities, enabling immediate responses, while continuously learning from new data to adapt to evolving fraud tactics.

Business Benefits: UnifyAI's AI Studio proactively reduces fraud losses by identifying suspicious activities, automating monitoring processes, and allowing banks to focus on strategic tasks. It also ensures compliance with regulatory standards through reliable reporting.



Scattered persistency models across data scientists' local systems caused offline inferences, time-consuming manual scripts and manual sharing, resulting in delays and inefficiencies.


Achieved higher efficiency with AI Studio to centralize various persistency models, streamlining workflows, getting real-time insights, scalability,and reproducibility - thus, simplifying model management.


Technical Benefits: UnifyAI offers high-accuracy models for predicting policy persistency and integrates with policy management systems to analyze customer behavior. The platform supports large datasets, providing scalable analysis across insurance products and customer segments.

Business Benefits: Identifies at-risk policyholders for targeted interventions, enhances retention strategies, and strengthens customer relationships. Improves revenue stability by increasing persistency rates and reducing policy lapses.

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